Collection: Studio One Vocal Presets

Hi internet surfer, 


My name is Ryan and I run Our goal is to make your life easier as an artist/producer. 


At the moment we make Studio One vocal presets for Studio One 5. If you would like to try them out (for free), feel free to check out our "Shop" page. We have some listed over there. Our free vocal preset, "Big Drip" is one of our most popular if you need a place to start. 


Also as an fyi, some of our vocal presets use pitch correction plugins. As you may be aware, Studio One does not come with a pitch correction plugin already installed. You basically need to find one on the internet and install it into Studio One 5 if you would like the capability of pitch correction. To break that down, pitch correction gives you that Autotune sound like Young Thug, Gunna, Travis Scott. The reason we say "Pitch Correction" and not "Autotune" is because Autotune is actually a brand that makes pitch correction plugins. Similar to Kleenex making tissues but my grandmom still calls all tissues Kleenex lmaoo. 


Anyways, if you want that functionality you can get a pitch correction plugin for free so don't worry about cost. Go to and download MAutoPitch. It's free and easy to install. From there, all of our vocal presets will work for you. 


On the flip side, if you're more advanced and you do already have a pitch correction plugin installed; such as Nectar, Autotune (Pro, EFX, Access, etc.), these vocal presets will work for you too. Our download file comes with the vocal preset file already formatted to work with all of the top pitch correction plugins within Studio One 5. We're trying to make this site as compatible with your DAW as possible. No friction. 


Anyways, if you need some help installing feel free to check out our YouTube channel. Here's an installer for Studio One. It's drag n drop so should be pretty simple. 


If you need some additional help feel free to reach out to me

